Our terms of use apply to the site: onlytradeschools.com, which is located at: https://onlytradeschools.com/ and to all other associated websites.
In using our website, you are agreeing to comply with these terms.
Onlytradeschools.com reserves its right to amend any section of these Terms at any time.
We would recommend that users check the Terms every so often to keep up to date with any changes that may have been made.
If you continue to use the site after any changes have been implemented to these Terms, we would assume that you have unconditionally accepted and consented to these changes.
Providing that your comply with our Terms of Use, onlytradeschools.com is willing to provide a personal, non-exclusive and non-transferable entry and usage of our site.
All content used on our website – this does include logos, graphics, visual and user interfaces, photography and texts – is licensed, controlled and wholly owned by us at onlytradeschools.com.
It is protected by regulations relating to trademark, copyright and patent, alongside other intellectual property rights.
We are not allowed to reproduce or republish, nor are we allowed to distribute any content of our website to other media forms such as personal computers, servers or separate sites, with the exception of anything other than what is listed in our Terms of Use.
You are permitted to use information or materials that we have made available at onlytradeschools.com, providing that the below requirements are adhered to:
- Do not remove any such information or materials as discussed in any imitation of such documents as also discussed;
- Ensure that such information or materials are used only for personal purposes; they must not be used for any commercial means and in no circumstances should any information or materials be reproduced for any other form of media;
- Make no amendments to any information or materials and;
- No use of our information and materials in relation to any unlawful or criminal activity
- Always provide a link back to the page from which you sourced the content as proof of the source of the information and material
onlytradeschools.com can not and does not make the guarantee that our website and its contents, features and services will always be uninterrupted or free from any defects.
All information that is provided on this site can be subject to amendment.
onlytradeschools.com disclaims all expressed or otherwise implied warranties; this can include warranties of accuracy, merchantability, non-infringement or even functionality for one particular purpose.
We also disclaim any liability for the actions, conduct and personal omissions of any third parties connected with your own use of the site.
You, as a user, are wholly responsibly for your usage of this website and any other websites that may be linked.
The disclaimer above is applicable to any liability, damages or any other problems that may arise from interruptions, deletions, thefts, delays in functionality or transmission and failures within communication lines.
onlytradeschools.com maintains the exclusive right to:
- Amend, abort or temporarily halt the operation of, and the access to the site for any reason which it deems to be appropriate.
- Amend any information listed on the site, this includes any policies or terms. We reserve the right to do this whenever we deem it appropriate to do so.
- Temporarily halt the functioning of the site if we deem it appropriate to undertake any actions which require this. Examples include: maintenance – both routine and non-routine, amendment of errors and any other changes that may need to take place.
Links to other websites
onlytradeschools.com provides various links to other sites.
These particular links are provided in the interests of our users, but they are in no way under our control.
onlytradeschools.com takes no responsibility for any materials or information that is found on these websites.
As a user, it is wholly your responsibility to deem their appropriateness and assess their material for accuracy.